

Whether violin or viola, cello, double bass or viola da gamba, here you can find exciting stories and interesting articles about your stringed instrument.

And you can find Sheet Music for strings in the Stretta Shop.

Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Cellist Michele Galvagno became a music engraver in order to provide other musicians with the best possible editions of sheet music. Find out in our interview how he is committed to the composers Friedrich Dotzauer and Alfredo Piatti, how time-consuming the work process from manuscript to finished edition is and how scores have changed over the course of history.

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Instrumental Up-Keep in Winter - What Should I Consider?

Instrumental Up-Keep in Winter - What Should I Consider?

What would Christmas and New Year be without concerts and music? Unfortunately, many instruments don't like the winter temperatures at all, and the dry air from our heating can also cause problems. What might happen and how can I protect my instrument from damage?

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Learning to play the Cello - 20 Questions for Liana Pereira

Learning to play the Cello - 20 Questions for Liana Pereira

"I am particularly moved by the Cello Concerto by Edward Elgar." Cellist Liana Pereira has completed our musical questionnaire to aid you in selecting a new instrument.

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Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

While the word 'archive' rarely inspires joy, the opposite can be said of the "Joy of Music" series, which Schott produced for its 250th birthday. There are five volumes containing mostly virtuosic, sometimes meditative, but always entertaining treasures from the publishing house's archive. It’s an exciting insight into the music culture of the 19th century!

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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